What is Sea Moss?

What is Sea Moss?

So like me, you may have come across sea moss from a family member or a friend, for me it was my cousin who introduced me to it, by way of Dr.Sebi.  Yes, I know alot of people have become "hip" over the last few years and have awoken to natural healing, I was one of them. I myself was on a journey of sorts, getting into gardening and sustainable living in the early 2010's, so the message of good health and nutrition, alkalinity, and understanding how and why the body gets sick from this perspective just naturally clicked with me.


"It has made an impact on my health, but not in an aggressive way, but more in the subtle nuance of not getting "sick" when everyone else around me is."


It didn't take long until I was watching videos on Sebi and began applying the principles he taught. One of the things he mentioned constantly was the use of sea moss, and how it has minerals that readily assimilate with the body. After a few months, I decided to buy some and I can say it has made an impact on my health, but not in an aggressive way, but more in the subtle nuance of not getting "sick" when everyone else around me is. The more I learn about health, the more I see it isn't something that's bravado, but rather, it's subtly, helping you all through life. Health is not something you necessarily "see" like bodybuilding, which is evident if you are really doing it, rather it is something you "don't see" as often, but the rewards are incredible! I am proud to say I did not catch Covid 19 during the pandemic, I'm not so proud to say my entire family did though, I feel if I pushed health on them harder than I pushed it on myself, we all would have tested negative.


So, with that light introduction, let's get into what Sea moss is anyway! Maybe you've never heard of Sebi and just stumbled on sea moss through another avenue, if so, I'd love to hear about how you came across sea moss.


I Thought Moss Grew on Trees.

Well, you're right, land moss does grow on trees, but this moss, that's found in the ocean, doesn't grow on trees, it grows on ocean rocks. The sea moss you and I consume mostly comes from the Caribbean and the Atlantic ocean, it is a part of the sea-weed family with cousins like Bladderwrack (which is also good for you). It's mostly found along the coast where it is hand harvested and dried for human consumption.


Now Sea moss has been used forever basically, with a rich history in Ireland as its main source of sustenance during the Potatoe Famine (I see a trend with Sea Moss and pandemics here) when the Irish had nothing to sustain them, and sea moss was the only thing that was rich enough in nutrients and minerals to keep them going.


So, This is Irish Moss Right? 

Well maybe right, maybe wrong, A lot of the Sea Moss you see online and most that is used in Sea Moss Gel (I've used both types) is not Irish Moss, also known as Chondrus Crispus, it is Gracilaria that you see mostly. The big difference is that one is found in the Caribbean, and the other is found in Ireland. Now you can find Chondrus Crispus in the Caribbean as well, it's just that Gracilaria is so prominent it's the go-to.


Both are just as rich and dense in nutrients that taking either will benefit your health. I think it's funny how this topic of "Is it real sea moss?" has never been an issue for me, now of course I've seen images of that salty pool-grown moss, but I've never personally received that from ordering sea moss online, sorry if you have.


Here are some images of both types so you can see the differences, mainly being one is a "fanned leaf" style, and the other is a "wired leaf" style. 

Chondrus Crispus and Gracilaria Sea Moss


Why Should I Take this Stuff?

That's what taking Sea Moss does, it allows you to benefit from all these minerals in a plant that has already digested them for you!


#1 Because it's good for you! Sea Moss has over 90+ minerals that the body uses daily, mainly iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, iodine, and calcium. Also, just as an example, the "Iron" pills most Americans consume have been chemically processed by removing the iron for iron ores (rocks) and made so your body could absorb it, doesn't it sound a lot better if you got your iron from a plant that already absorbed it for you? That's what taking Sea Moss does, it allows you to benefit from all these minerals in a plant that has already digested them for you! Making it all natural and free of any harmful chemicals.


Since the Sea Moss plant grows on a rock, it gets all the nutrients from it, along with the natural minerals that flow through the ocean, a win-win! I take Sea Moss every 2-3 days, due to its high Iodine content, I skip a day here and there, so I don't take too much of it. Adding 1-2 Tablespoons of Sea Moss to your diet a few times a week will increase your overall health, there is no doubt about it.


Any allergic reactions to Sea Moss?

I haven't personally seen or heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to Sea Moss. Feel free to check around the internet, but Sea Moss is generally considered allergen-free.


Can I take too much?

Like anything (even water) yes you can take too much. I did hear of a story of a lady who took like 8 cups of sea moss gel and got sick and went to the ER, but why did she do that? Some people. I advise you to stick to the script and take 1-2 tablespoons per day max. 


What does it taste like?

That's a very good question, so I have had a couple of different Sea Moss Gels in my life (the most common way to take sea moss) and I can say depending on how it's made there are two main differences, it is either chewy in texture, or smooth. Now the chewy texture isn't all that bad if you are ready to chew on something for a bit, I've seen some people (my wife) straight gag on Sea Moss Gel, so don't get me wrong, it is an acquired taste. But I've also seen her have no problems taking a smoother textured gel.


We are changing this part of the Sea Moss Gel industry by being the best-tasting gel out there. We want the whole family to enjoy and benefit.

Here at Health is Wild we make our gel on the thick & smooth side, so regarding taste, you won't have a problem with us. When it comes to flavors, it's like eating your favorite fruit, we use whole fruit puree, and it comes out incredible. We are changing this part of the Sea Moss Gel industry by being the best-tasting gel out there. We want the whole family to enjoy and benefit. 


So, what's the conclusion?

It's simple, Sea Moss is good for you! in a healthy, natural way. I can't think of any other ocean-based plant that can give you the benefits that sea moss can, I can't think of any land-based plant that has the wide array of minerals that sea moss has either. Now of course it has gained more popularity, especially in the African American Diaspora, but trust me when I say people have been using this for thousands of years, during pandemics of old. So, I'm not trying to sell you on using sea moss gel, rather I'm asking, why don't you use it? if not from us then go with a brand you like, either way adding it to your health plan is a +. 


If I had to describe Sea Moss in one word, it would be: Healthy.


I hope you found some value in our blog post, drop us a line at healthiswildseamoss@gmail.com we'd love to hear from you.

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